MUNCIE — The Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie will celebrate its club members at the Great Futures Dinner on March 31 at the Horizon Convention Center.
The event will showcase the kids, their talents and skills, and their hopes and dreams, and the Pat C. Botts Youth of the Year will be honored.
Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. with the program beginning at 6 p.m. Breakfast-for-dinner will be served.
Anyone interested in becoming partner or reserving a table should call Amy Gibson at 765-282-4461.
Grants available for projects in Gaston, Selma, Yorktown
Nonprofit organizations serving the towns Gaston, Selma and Yorktown can apply for funding through the Community Foundation’s Town Endowment Fund Grants Program. Grant applications are available online at
The Town of Gaston Endowment Fund supports projects and programs that benefit the Town of Gaston and Harrison and Washington Townships residents. The fund was established in 2012 by longtime Gaston resident Betty Jane Clark Carter. A committee comprised of area residents review applications each year and make recommendations for grants of up to $2,500 to the Community Foundation.
Residents from Liberty and Perry Townships and the Town of Selma worked together to raise funds and capture a match to build a fund that would support projects for their local community. The Liberty Perry Selma Town Endowment Fund makes grants of up to $500 annually to support projects in Liberty or Perry townships or Selma. Project proposals are reviewed and recommended to the Community Foundation by a committee of dedicated residents.
Community member Howard Gregory established the Town of Yorktown Endowment Fund in 2000. In 2008, with significant help from the Yorktown Lions Club, an additional $30,000 was contributed to the fund. Yorktown residents review grant applications and recommend grants up to $2,500 to the Community Foundation.
Nonprofit organizations, including 501c3 organizations, municipalities and schools, are eligible to apply. Applications for each of the three Town Endowment Fund Grants are due May 1. For information on how to apply, contact Carly Acree-King, program officer, at or visit
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